Our Engagement Story

Posted on May 14, 2013
As promised in a former post, I’m sharing our engagement story. We have had a quite a few people ask us to tell the story of the proposal so I thought I would just share it here. 
Dylan and I have wanted to get married for a while now but we both wanted the parents blessing over the whole deal so I already knew next time Dylan saw my dad that I  would know what would follow. I was a little bummed because that would take away from the mystery and surprise of a proposal, I love surprises, but nonetheless excited to be with Dylan in the end.

I flew out to Missouri to be a part of my best friend’s wedding. Dylan needed to stay in town for a fundraiser our church was hosting.  The thought had briefly crossed my mind that he could surprise me out there but then they announced that he was doing a live painting during the fundraiser, I knew he wouldn’t be showing up.
My mom had invited all the siblings and significant others over for a birthday dinner for me on Sunday while I was in town. She had been acting funny all day but I didn’t think too much of it.

My parents had come back from the grocery store and started on dinner. I had come in to see if there was anything I could help with and to talk with my grandma, who was visiting for a little bit. My dad had rushed in  with the trash gathered from around the house and tied it off real quick, like he was in a hurry, he then handed it to me and asked me to take it out. I remember thinking that this was odd because my dad always takes out the trash, but I didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t, so I said sure.

As soon as I shut the door, to go through the garage to head to the back yard, my parents started rushing my siblings and grandma  from one of the house to the back yelling “Go! Go! Go!”
…I didn’t hear this.

I opened the back door and turned to the left to head to the trash can and I hear a voice behind me say my name. I jumped. I spun around and Dylan is sitting on the little bench my parents have nestled in between some bushes and trees in our side yard. I told someone later that I was more shocked at the sight of Dylan in my parents back yard than I was of any stranger in an alley way in Pittsburgh. My only words were, “What are you doing here?” repeated several times in different tones as the realization that he was actually in front of me was settling in. He laughed and said a few things as he got up to walk over to me, he told me he flew into Kansas City that morning and rented a car and drove down. Still not realizing he was there to propose. He started hugging me and said, in a really slow and shaky voice, “Amber I love you so much.” I immediately pushed him away from me and said, “Wait! Is this happening right now?!” Haha.
He  backed away got down on one knee and proposed.
I quickly asked if he asked my parents. He reassured me he had and I said yes!

We were hugging again and he said “you know your family is watching us right?” haha I turned around and I saw a bunch of hands waving in the windows and my dad raised the window and asked if I said yes. My sister was videoing the whole thing, I’m kinda glad she did.

Dylan had talked with my dad a few weeks before and let him know there was a surprise for me that he was working on so my parents had a hint of what was to come. When he got into town he met my parents in a grocery store parking lot. They barely said hello and Dylan barked out “I want to marry your daughter!” haha My parents laughed and talked to him a bit and when my dad asked him if he loved me he choked up.
Hearing this story was the only time I teared up during the whole proposal time. It was so sweet!

The picture below is how Dylan imagined it would happen, with me walking over to him on the bench and being surprised and maybe crying.

Instead it turned out with me in shock by a trash can with trash at my feet. hahaha whatever. It makes for a better story right? 
My friend Melisa was watching Em, she sent me this picture the next day when we were on our way to the airport. So sweet. And for the record, Yes, she will be in the wedding. Scoff all you want haters, it’s going to  great!

So that’s it folks! Dylan and I are officially in wedding planning mode and if you follow me on pinterest then you may be a little annoyed with me right now and all my pinning of ideas. We have discussed some ideas and DIYs to share on the blog that is wedding or just party related but we’ll let that evolve later.
edit:: We have officially put up our website! go to www.rookewedding.com for more details!


  1. Mandy
    May 14, 2013

    Such a cute surprise!! Congrats!!! 😀

  2. Midnight And Dawn
    May 14, 2013

    Thanks for sharing your story. It’s such a good one!
    Congratulations to you guys, again!!

  3. HeidiB
    June 12, 2013

    This is is great story. Especially the part about being by a trash can with trash at your feet. Yes, whatever makes for a good story!

  4. HeidiB
    June 12, 2013

    This is is great story. Especially the part about being by a trash can with trash at your feet. Yes, whatever makes for a good story!

  5. Sara C
    August 8, 2013

    Congrats! Awww, I love the “How it really happened” vs. “How he thought it would happen” pictures. Still super romantic 🙂 My fiancé and I are also newly engaged. We both love a good love story and believe these special moments should be shared. I think your story is amazing and would love for you to share it on our website! http://ourengagementstory.com


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